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News - 04/04/2012

LSH awarded Environment Agency national contract

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We have been appointed to manage the acquisition and disposal of property assets in The Environment Agency's portfolio.


We will also provide rating support and other services as the Agency looks to consolidate office space and establish a leaner, more efficient structure.


Driving efficiencies

We will work with the Agency to achieve savings and efficiencies by reducing administration costs, increasing the visibility of their portfolio and disposing of surplus space.

National contract expertise

The national contract will be managed from our Birmingham office, drawing on the expertise of our office network and experience of managing other national contracts including Calor Gas and Severn Trent.

Andrew Cook, Director in our Valuation team and Framework Manager for the contract said: “We have been a longstanding and trusted advisor to The Environment Agency for more than 15 years, delivering a range of services including rating, disposals, acquisitions, lease restructuring and specialist advice. The new national contract is a significant win for us and we look forward to further opportunities to build on the quality of work previously undertaken.”

The Environment Agency

The Environment Agency, responsible to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Welsh Government, aims to protect and improve the environment and promote sustainable development. The agency has offices throughout England and Wales carrying out Government environment policy, regulating businesses and handling flood or pollution emergencies.


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