commercial property lambert smith hampton

News - 01/01/2012

Evolution Phase at AMP close to full occupancy

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Representing UK Strategic Partnership, a joint venture between Strategic Sites and Harworth Estates, we have advised on the lettings of all but two of the 15 industrial units at the Advanced Manufacturing Park’s (AMP) Evolution Phase.

Carbolite is the latest business to take up space at Evolution, with the letting of units 5 and 6, totalling 5,782 sq ft. It sees the Derbyshire based global manufacturer of electric laboratory and industrial ovens join a unique cluster of high-tech occupiers such as Dormer Tools and Struers, Polymer Techniques and Xeros.

Occupiers leveraging existing resources on site

Dan Bagshaw, Facilities and Materials Manager at Carbolite, said: “One of the main attractions of expanding from our existing premises in the Hope Valley to Evolution, was the ability to leverage the existing resources already on the park and engage with other like-minded businesses.”

Philippa Hedley, Sector Growth Manager - Advanced Manufacturing & Materials at AMP said: “We are delighted to welcome Carbolite as our latest occupier at AMP. The business they are in is perfectly suited to the units they have taken and we’re sure their base with us will be beneficial in terms of nurturing business growth.

“Locating on the AMP provides collaboration and supply chain opportunities with world leading R&D and production companies including; Rolls-Royce, Castings Technology International, and the University of Sheffield’s AMRC with Boeing and Nuclear AMRC, and I am confident that the remaining units will be occupied very soon.”

Manufacturing; one of the most important sectors in the UK economy

Rob Whatmuff, Director and regional head of Industrial and Logistics at LSH, said: “The latest letting is a tremendous endorsement of the AMP’s continued success in one of the fastest-growing and most important sectors of the UK economy.”

With a further two units under offer, Evolution at AMP now has only two units of 3,641 sq ft and 13,506 sq ft remaining.

We are joint agents on the scheme with Knight Frank and CB Richard Ellis,


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