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Our work - 16/11/2011

Rating List assessment for the Environment Agency

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We were instructed by the Environment Agency to provide advice on the rating assessments of its property portfolio for the 2005 Rating List, having represented them for the last four Rating Lists.

The portfolio had a total Rateable Value (RV) of £15m. Over the five year period of the 2005 Rating List, we generated savings in excess of £2.4m.

Need to minimise business rates liability

The Environment Agency is well aware that business rates form a major occupational cost and therefore need to be kept to a minimum.

We were instructed to reduce the Environment Agency’s rates liability by appealing the assessments that were considered to be excessive. 

Initially, we reviewed the Environment Agency’s portfolio and identified where assessments were considered excessive. We then lodged protective appeals, carried out all necessary survey work, negotiated with the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and, where possible, agreed substantial reductions.

Where an agreement could not be reached by negotiation, we progressed those cases through the Tribunal system.

In excess of £2.4m of savings delivered

As a result of our work, we successfully drove down the Environment Agency’s rates liability to much lower levels, achieving more than £2.4m in rates savings over the life of the 2005 Rating List.

Our Rating specialists were able to manage all rating matters for the Environment Agency, allowing the client’s own property team to concentrate efforts on their own business.

The Environment Agency recognises that outsourcing all rating problems delivered financial and time savings, both of which can be reinvestment into its own operations.

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