As set out in the London Plan, Large-scale Purpose-built Shared Living (LSPBL) development should:
- Be in an area well-connected to local services and employment by walking, cycling and public transport, with a public transport accessibility level (PTAL) of 4 or higher.
- Be car-free and not contribute to car dependency.
- Manage deliveries and servicing in a sustainable.
- Be supported by evidence demonstrating that the development would contribute to the creation of mixed and inclusive neighbourhoods.
Design and Standards
- LSPBSL development should integrate into the neighbourhood. For instance, active uses and public amenities should activate the street and public realm should ensure good connectivity and be designed with different users in mind.
- Communal facilities should meet the design and space standards set out within the LPG. At least 5 sq m of essential internal communal facilities should be provided per resident which as a minimum has space that enables residents to cook, relax, work from home and do laundry.
- The design of communal kitchens will depend on considerations such as floorplate size. Facilities should be designed to accommodate at least 5 people per kitchen.
- Communal dining spaces should enable people to eat where they cook.
- Laundry and drying facilities should be in a convenient and ventilated location and not interfere with other communal spaces with at least one washer and dryer provided for every 10 residents and adequate space for air drying clothes.
- Some internal communal space should be provided on every floor to encourage incidental meetings, socialising, lounging, engagement and recreation. This should be accessible to allow for ease of use of disabled people as well as have sufficient and comfortable seating in the form of sofas and lounge chairs.
- Work space areas should be provided, where possible, to enable hybrid working.
- Toilets and storage facilities should be provided in communal spaces.
- At least one sq m of external communal space should be provided per resident and this should be accessed directly from usable internal spaces. Private balconies will not count towards the requirement and when landscaping is provided, it should be designed for net biodiversity gain per Policy G5 Urban greening, when possible.
- Policy H16 requires that private units are not self-contained homes but provide functional living space, accessed through a shared internal area. Units must be single occupancy and should not be less than 18 sq m and not more than 27 sq m. LSPBSL schemes should also provide 10 per cent accessible units.
Management Plan
Any application should include an appropriately detailed and resourced management plan demonstrating how management practices will meet policy requirements, how the operations will be managed, and how spaces will be maintained to ensure the development continues to function as a high quality LSPBSL scheme.
The management plan should be secured through a S106 agreement and must set out:
- Security and fire safety procedures
- Move in and move out arrangements
- Tenant contract strategy
- How all internal and external areas of development will be maintained
- How communal spaces and private units will be cleaned and how linen changing services will operate
- How deliveries for servicing the development and residents’ deliveries will be managed
- Details of how the LSPBSL development will be managed by a single management company and how it would be transferred in the event of future management change
- All services and facilities must be included in the rent, except utility bills for individual units (although rents may be inclusive of bills)
LPG Consultation End Date: 27th March 2022
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