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News - 09/05/2008

Planning appeal victory for Peel Holdings

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Representing property and transport company, Peel Holdings, we have successfully appealed its plans for a 0.8ha residential development at Craven Road, Broadheath

As a result, consent has been granted by the Planning Inspectorate for residential development, a proportion of which will be affordable housing in accordance with current Planning Guidelines.

Planning appeal launched

The appeal was allowed in the face of strong opposition by the Local Planning Authority, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council.

Peel originally submitted plans for the redevelopment of the site in July 2007, but the application was refused by the Council in October 2007. In refusing the application, the Council alleged an oversupply of housing and the need to retain the site for employment uses.

Public inquiry attended by our Planning experts

The Public Inquiry took place with a modified planning policy framework. However, the Council continued to resist housing on the site and produced three witnesses to support its case.

Our Manchester-based Development and Regeneration team successfully represented Peel, providing comprehensive Planning advice, Employment Land Evidence, and Viability and market evidence.

Our evidence dealt with implications of the emerging draft Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) on housing land supply, the availability of alternative employment sites in Trafford and the surrounding area, and the viability of developing the site for employment purposes.

In-depth planning policy assessments

Richard Moffat, Director in our Manchester Development and Regeneration team, said: “The complex nature of planning matters involves much more than simply an assessment of planning policy issues in order to prove a case. We worked hard to address the objections raised by the Council to achieve a win.

Richard continued “Planning Inspectors want to hear evidence on employment land and development viability from people actively involved in this work on a daily basis. Working with our Agency and Development colleagues, we help clients achieve commercially successful outcomes and produce robust evidence to back up their cases.”

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