commercial property lambert smith hampton

News - 02/04/2013

Appointment on Government Procurement Service Estates Professional Services Framework

Lambert Smith Hampton is named as a supplier to the new Government Procurement Service Estates Professional Services framework agreement RM928. Live from 1 April 2013, it is expected to deliver circa £25m savings to the public sector during its four year term.

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A full range of property related services can be procured through the framework, including strategic advice, building surveying, agency, lease advisory, development consultancy, business rates advice, valuation, CPO and planning services.

Easy access to Lambert Smith Hampton’s public sector expertise

As a framework supplier, we will support the public sector in reducing their property costs, releasing surplus assets, identifying savings and opportunities to generate income from land and buildings.

Stephen Armitage, Head of Public Sector Services said: “As a framework supplier, we will work with the Government Procurement Service, providing management information to help framework users manage their spend effectively and identify further saving opportunities.”

Stephen added: “We currently work with more than 250 public sector bodies and at any one time we have approximately 100 full-time staff working in the sector. Our dedicated public sector team help clients use their property portfolios more efficiently, reducing costs and ensuring value for money. This is achieved by combining our in-depth understanding of how the public sector works with our comprehensive range of property market skills.”

Find out more about our work in the public sector.

Estates Professional Services Framework: Delivering value for money

The framework is fully EU compliant and provides easy access to property services, saving public sector clients time and money. It can be used by organisations across the UK public sector including central government, local government, health, education, devolved administrations, emergency services, defence and not for profit organisations.

The Government Procurement Service is an executive agency of the Cabinet Office. Its priority is to provide procurement savings for the UK public sector. In 2011– 12 the Government Procurement Service managed £8.4bn of public sector spend, delivering price / demand savings of £759m.

Contact our Public Sector team on 020 7198 2000 or to find out more.

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