camden market

Viewpoint - 31/10/2022

Have you reviewed and updated your town centre policy evidence base?

It’s likely to be out of date…

Find out more

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the changes in how we work, shop, and use our town centres, whilst the current energy and cost of living crisis will change the way many households prioritise spending.

For many town centres, retail is no longer the primary driver of town centre economic growth. This means there is greater opportunity for other town centre uses (such as leisure, community, education, healthcare, and housing) to take a bigger role in supporting regeneration. It is therefore critical that town centre policies and development are in line with the dynamic changes to retail and leisure market trends, as well as the impact of planning reforms on regeneration, investment, and opportunities for growth.

This means that evidence-based studies prepared more than a couple of years ago to help inform plan-making and manage development will now be out of date. They need to be reviewed and refreshed as a priority. 

Our dedicated Town Centre & Economic Regeneration team has considerable experience in preparing evidence studies that inform town centre, housing, employment plans and decision making. 
Drawing upon our leading market knowledge, datasets, and research (including our recent Shopping Centre Futures and LSH/Revo reports), and underpinned by wide-ranging stakeholder and community engagement, we can work in partnership with you to ensure that your town centre regeneration visions, strategies and policies are robust, sound, and deliverable.
We have recently prepared robust evidence-based studies for:

Logos Evidence Base

Please get in touch with us on the details below if you are thinking of updating your evidence-based studies, and/or if you would like one of our experts to cast a “critical eye” on the robustness of your existing studies, plans and policies. We would be delighted to help!



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